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Tiger's Eye and Hawkeye's Bead Bracelet

картинка Браслет из бусин Тигрового глаза и Соколиного Глаза  от магазина El Corazon
472.50 rub.
($ 4.57, € 4.38)
The tiger's eye helps build relationships with people around you. It smooths out conflicts, relieves tense atmosphere and facilitates easy communication. This mineral is soothing. It helps the owner to more easily perceive this or that event and not overreact to everything that happens around.

First of all, Hawkeye protects the wearer from any negative impact. It protects from the evil eye, damage, curses, etc. In addition, the hawk eye protects against theft, envious people, gossip, etc. The mineral grants protection not only to one person, but also to his loved ones. He also protects the house from people with evil intentions, fires and rampant elements.

472.50 rub. for 1 pcs.

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