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Now you can pay by QR!

Now you can pay by QR!


Now you can pay by QR!

Now also QR!

We are pleased to announce that now in our online store you can pay by QR code.
When placing an order, you must select payment by bank cards. To pay, you need to go to your personal account, click the interactive "pay" button, after which you will be offered payment options: by card or QR.
If you decide to pay for the order in the fast payment system, then you need to select the bank that holds your plastic card, after which an individual QR code will be generated for you, which must be scanned in the banking application of your bank.
The payment is made on the site instantly and your order is assigned the status "paid"

Have a good shopping!

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Currency rate:

€ 1.00 = 95.67 rub.
$ 1.00 = 91.34 rub.
El Corazon