Phone: +7-915-423-9555


Как купить

Its easy to shop with us!

1. Choose the products

To add a product to your shopping cart press [Add to cart] or [Buy] button.

When you finished press [Cart] You will be redirected to the shopping cart page.

You will see all chosen products on a page Cart.

You can simply change the amount of items in the shopping list at the quantity boxes located next to the selected items. 
Press [COUNT] after you finished, refreshing the final order list and total payable price.
In a row [
Действия] you can Delete or Save for Later items you like. 

You can use coupone if you have it in promo code field.

2. Making order

Fill out your real Name, Last Name, Destination, Phone, Adress(Country, City, Street, buildng, ZIP Code) in order form.

If you can't find your country in the list, please just choose any country and in comment write all your address information.

Press [Make order].

You wiill receive a copy of your order on registration e-mail.

Attention! Wrong Name or Adress is dangerous for your order. 

3. How to pay

We accept MasterCard and Visa. Press PAY and you will see the payment form. Be ready to get SMS code. We are using 3D-secure to make payments safe. You have 3 tryes to pay for your order. If you are wrong three times, you will need to make a new order (simply press reorder).

Attention! For each order is possible only one payment. Split payments are not allowed!

Currency rate:

€ 1.00 = 89.66 rub.
$ 1.00 = 83.68 rub.
El Corazon