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Velez R-k118

картинка Велеc R-k118 от магазина El Corazon
745.50 rub.
($ 7.68, € 7.06)
Velez R-k118
Weight: 0.130kg
Size: 4cm*12.5cm*3.2cm 
Veles is the God of cattle, shepherding, wealth, clouds, cunning, bookishness, protection, life, will, trade, witchcraft, fortune-telling, the guide of dead souls. The God of worldly wisdom and all worldly things. VOLOS (Veles, the Month) is one of the oldest East Slavic gods, a cloud god who covers the sky with rain clouds, or, metaphorically speaking, covers it with a cloudy fleece, drives cloud herds to heavenly pastures. Initially, one of the epithets of the cloud-chaser Perun (thunder-bearing Tour); later, when its fundamental meaning was forgotten, it became isolated and accepted as the proper name of a separate deity. As a "cattle god" (Laurentian Chronicle) Volos was in charge of the heavenly, mythical flocks, was their lord and shepherd, but then, with the loss of the people's conscious attitude to their ancient ideas, he was credited with the patronage and protection of ordinary, earthly flocks. For the sake of the dependence in which we find ourselves

745.50 rub. for 1 pcs.

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