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Double-sided face massager roller made of green frosted glass

картинка Массажер-роллер для лица двусторонний из зеленого матового стекла МРЗМС от магазина El Corazon
336.00 rub.
($ 3.92, € 3.64)
Rollerball - facial massager will restore the skin to its natural radiance and healthy color. Just a couple of minutes of massage help prevent puffiness, improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage processes, stimulate the processes of natural skin renewal, relax spasmodic muscles, and prevent the appearance of mimic wrinkles. Your skin will be radiant and more toned. Also, a rollerball can be a great gift!

How to use: Prepare your skin for massage. Remove makeup from your face. Using the large roller, start the massage from the chin, gently running from bottom to top, along the contour of the face, to the ears. Use a small roller to massage the eye area and orbital bone. For best results, do this every morning and evening.

336.00 rub. for 1 pcs.

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€ 1.00 = 92.42 rub.
$ 1.00 = 85.75 rub.
El Corazon