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Souvenir Heart of Amethyst class N SU02AM

картинка Сувенир Сердечко из Аметиста класса Н СУ02АМ от магазина El Corazon
367.50 rub.
($ 4.21, € 3.91)
Amethyst, a regal purple gemstone, has been prized for centuries for its meditative and healing properties. What makes amethyst so special? The bright purple color for which it is famous is due to the presence of traces of minerals present in it during the formation of the stone. The most coveted amethysts have an intense, saturated color - from light lilac to deep royal purple. In ancient Greece, it was believed that amethyst prevents intoxication. In the Middle Ages, European soldiers wore it to protect them from contagious diseases. Amethyst is also a birthstone in February, which makes it a significant gift for those born in that month. In addition to its visual appeal and mythical properties, amethyst radiates a calming energy that has long been valued for relaxation and stress relief.
Size: 8cm*5cm

367.50 rub. for 1 pcs.

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€ 1.00 = 93.96 rub.
$ 1.00 = 87.30 rub.
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