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New brooches - Bestseller!

New brooches - Bestseller!


New brooches - Bestseller!

New brooches - Bestseller!

From the accessory of aristocrats to the wardrobe of modern women of fashion: the brooch made a long jump in history and landed exactly on the lapel of trendy oversize jackets, draped coats, felt caps and even clutch bags.
So we offer you to add a twist to your wardrobe, with our new brooches:

Cameo brooches:

Brooches - fauna:

Professional brooches:
  • in the New Year theme

  • topic - professions

And most importantly, remember !!! Any brooch with inserts must be color-coded with clothes!

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Currency rate:

€ 1.00 = 98.78 rub.
$ 1.00 = 90.99 rub.
El Corazon