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Milv Water decals №f 76 silver

картинка Milv Слайдер-дизайн №f 76 серебро от магазина El Corazon
52.50 rub.
44.62 rub.
(Savings - 7.88 rub.)
($ 0.51, € 0.48)
  1. Apply background color if desired and let it dry.
  2. Cut out the desired pattern roughly.
  3. Dip it into water for 5 seconds.
  4. Moisten the nail surface, gently slide the image from the backing paper
  5. Gently move it to the desired location on the nail surface and press firmly.
  6. Use soft towel to absorb excess water and blow dry if necessary.
  7. Seal the nail water decal with clear top coat.

44.62 rub. for 1 pcs.

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Instructions:<br> <ol> <li>Apply background color if desired and let it dry.</li> <li>Cut out the desired pattern roughly.</li> <li>Dip it into water for 5 seconds.</li> <li>Moisten the nail surface, gently slide the image from the backing paper</li> <li>Gently move it to the desired location on the nail surface and press firmly.</li> <li>Use soft towel to absorb excess water and blow dry if necessary.</li> <li>Seal the nail water decal with clear top coat.</li> </ol>
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Currency rate:

€ 1.00 = 93.17 rub.
$ 1.00 = 87.30 rub.
El Corazon