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NEW! El Corazon Neon Nail Powders!

NEW! El Corazon Neon Nail Powders!


NEW! El Corazon Neon Nail Powders!

New El Corazon neon powders!
Neon pb-31 (pink)№pb-32 (yellow).

Bright colors under UV lighting are getting brighter

Neon powders can be rubbed into the nail, or you can add to the materials. The colors are revealed in the best way on the white base. If you want to make a bright pattern on black base, then first apply the ornament in white and only then apply a neon powder. With neon pigments you can make a beautiful gradient manicure. Powders mix easily and form new colors.

Neon powders is great for accents. It is enough to decorate only 1-2 nails with a neon pigment and your manicure becomes noticeable even in the evening in a nightclub.

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Currency rate:

€ 1.00 = 93.17 rub.
$ 1.00 = 87.30 rub.
El Corazon