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Kaleidoscope Nail polish "Dreams about spring" №Spr-02 Kaleidoscope of love 15 ml

картинка Kaleidoscope Лак для ногтей "Грезы о весне" №Spr-02 Калейдоскоп любви 15 мл от магазина El Corazon
189.00 rub.
($ 1.97, € 1.91)
Kaleidoscope Nail polish "Dreams about spring" №02 Kaleidoscope of love 15 ml

Kaleidoscope is a 5-free nail polish.

9 сolors of collection "Dreams about spring" fully comply with the fashion trends. Nail polishes "Dreams about spring" have a new unusual texture, causing an analogy with natural stone, firmly and evenly applying on nails, and can be easily removed any liquid remover varnish.

189.00 rub. for 1 pcs.

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€ 1.00 = 99.20 rub.
$ 1.00 = 95.80 rub.
El Corazon