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Frog-amulet symbol of wealth and prosperity gray jasper Sr-Elit-Frog-11

картинка Лягушка-оберег символ богатства и процветания  яшма серая Sr-Elit-Frog-11 от магазина El Corazon
630.00 rub.
($ 7.10, € 6.52)

Frog-amulet symbol of wealth and prosperity gray jasper Sr-Elit-Frog-13

Jasper protects from the evil eye and the forces of evil, protects against infertility, gives courage and confidence in victory.As a talisman, it promises wealth and health, gives eloquence, and improves the memory of the owner. Helps with bleeding and low blood pressure. Treats disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves pain from bruises. This is the only stone that removes all the negative energy reserves that have already been accumulated by the body.

Size (l*w*h): 4cm*3cm*2.5cm

Weight: 35g

630.00 rub. for 1 pcs.

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€ 1.00 = 96.69 rub.
$ 1.00 = 88.76 rub.
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