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Necklace, twisted 46 cm, three strands, rhinestone

картинка Ожерелье витое 46 см из трех нитей, горный Хрусталь от магазина El Corazon
577.50 rub.
($ 6.18, € 5.81)
Rock crystal is a famous stone, the power of which was recognized by ancient alchemists. The magical properties of rock crystal endow a person with positive energy; the stone is also used to make talismans for the home. Rhinestone is especially shown in some signs of the zodiac, such as the signs of Air and the signs of Water. Earth signs are shown wearing this stone only in case of severe addictions.

If you are the owner of jewelry with a stone, then it is not at all necessary to perform any rituals with it. The mineral will independently tune to the frequency of your vibrations, regulate and stabilize them. Although meditations with rock crystals will help you achieve much greater success in self-development. The subtlest vibrations of the stone help to purify thoughts, expand and clarify consciousness. It is the perfect amulet for students and scientists. It is not for nothing that crystal balls are still used by Tibetan lamas to open the "third eye".

577.50 rub. for 1 pcs.

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