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Souvenir Hedgehog medium made of natural stone Sr-Bor071

картинка Сувенир Еж средний из натурального камня Sr-Bor071 от магазина El Corazon
6 930.00 rub.
($ 77.81, € 72.83)
Souvenir Hedgehog medium made of natural stone Sr-Bor071
Size: 13.5x9.5x12.5cm
Weight: 1364g.
The term calcite combines many minerals. Some of its species are used to build houses, make sculptures, use them in industry, and even use them as food additives. The mineral was known in ancient times as a building material. For example, the Egyptian pyramids are made from it. Unusual externally and rich internally - this is how calcite can be described. He became famous as a stone that pushes the boundaries of the real and helps to continuously move forward. That is why businessmen, economists and representatives of other professions related to constant development and money love him so much. Attractive calcite jewelry will find its place in the heart and life of everyone who is interested in success.

6 930.00 rub. for 1 pcs.

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€ 1.00 = 95.15 rub.
$ 1.00 = 89.07 rub.
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