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New colors of El Corazon Active Bio-gel nail polishes: №423/1071 - №423/1074!

New colors of El Corazon Active Bio-gel nail polishes: №423/1071 - №423/1074!


New colors of El Corazon Active Bio-gel nail polishes: №423/1071 - №423/1074!

El Corazon nail polishes Active Bio-gel series was replenished with 4 new shades: №423/1071 - №423/1074!

№423/1071 dalmatians и №423/1072 eggs of wild birds shades are the re-release of popular shades from collections with similar names - "Dalmatian" and "Eggs of wild birds". Two other shades (№423/1073 hocus - pocus and №423/1074 Circus) are absolute novelties!

All new shades have a milky-white base with a unique combination of black textured matte glitters. To get a dense, saturated coating, you only need to apply two layers.

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$ 1.00 = 91.34 rub.
El Corazon