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New colors of El Corazon "Confetti" nail polishes!

New colors of El Corazon "Confetti" nail polishes!


New colors of El Corazon "Confetti" nail polishes!

Five new nail polishes from El Corazon "Confetti" collection: №501c - №505c.

By it's texture these nail polishes are very similar to the well-known nail polish El Corazon "Confetti" №531a. They include white small matt glitter and large hexagonal glitters. Unconventional texture of nail polishes reveals a great opportunity to experiment with drawing on nails. One layer of "Confetti" nail polishes №501c - №505c is formed on the nails light openwork cover. The more layers you apply, the denser  a white coating becomes. are suitable for nail design. Try to put them using vinyl stencils.

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