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New! El Corazon №435 "Soft cream cuticle remover without alkali"!

New! El Corazon №435 "Soft cream cuticle remover without alkali"!


New! El Corazon №435 "Soft cream cuticle remover without alkali"!

Another one novelty in our Online Store: El Corazon №435 "Soft cream cuticle remover without alkali"!

This cream moisturizes, soothes and promotes rapid healing of minor wounds and cuts. The rich mineral composition strengthens nails, has a soothing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. With regular use the cuticle will be soft and elastic, ceases to grow, and its growth will slow. Oil of grape pits helps restore the skin, contributing to their rapid and effective healing. It works as an antiseptic, bactericidal and exhibits anti-inflammatory effects. Also strengthens the nail plate, it prevents delamination. Linoleic acid is a natural moisturizing element, which not only helps in the care of nails and cuticle, but prevents cracking, heals wounds and cuts.

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€ 1.00 = 101.28 rub.
$ 1.00 = 91.14 rub.