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New! El Corazon Express serum for the unedging manicure №428b "Thai Spa Oil"

New! El Corazon Express serum for the unedging manicure №428b "Thai Spa Oil"


New! El Corazon Express serum for the unedging manicure №428b "Thai Spa Oil"

Our buyers know popular cuticle oil El Corazon №428 Bali Spa Oil.
In the autumn of this year, El Corazon has released a new version of this product: El Corazon №428b "Thai Spa Oil" with Damascus rose.

You can see the effect of after the first application. The cuticle wipes off and stops growing. The nail becomes well-groomed and reinforced throughout. Damask rose extract - a powerful antisepti with a strong antimicrobial activity. Burrs disappear, small cuts are tightened up after the first use.

You can by El Corazon №428b "Thai Spa Oil" in 16 ml and 30 ml.

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€ 1.00 = 105.81 rub.
$ 1.00 = 102.38 rub.
El Corazon