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New! El Corazon Water decals with foil!

New! El Corazon Water decals with foil!


New! El Corazon Water decals with foil!

80 different El Corazon water decals with foil!
They can be divided into three categories:
"Full nail" water decals №Wow-01 - №Wow-40 have a solid fill. Some of these water decals need a white base. We recommend to use white nail polish El Corazon Active Bio-gel №423/290 Cream.

"Openwork" water decals №Wow-101 - №Wow-123 do not have a solid fill, they can be used with any color of nail polish. The exception is the water decals №Wow-122 - it needs to be applied on white base.

With "thematic" water decals you can vary the nail polish of any color.

We recommend El Corazon №434 Top Coat Like Gel for fixing water decals.

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