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New Jewelry - Talismans!

New Jewelry - Talismans!


New Jewelry - Talismans from jewelry metal!

The moth is the talisman of immortality, rebirth and resurrection, the ability to transform, since this winged insect appears, being transformed in a cocoon, from a caterpillar. Images or figures of moths stimulate a romantic relationship, increase income and fulfill cherished dreams.

Wolf - when a man wears a sacred jewelry in the form of a wolf, he gains courage, charisma and charm. The amulet has special power when it is given by a beloved woman. Such a talisman enhances the husband's love for his wife, and his attitude towards children. Decoration helps men to overcome depression, find balance and harmony with the inner world, protects against anger of enemies and their aggression.

Skull - a charm from death. When death comes, she leaves her sign in the shape of a skull, but if she sees that this sign already exists, then she turns away from this person and leaves him to live. Traditionally, the symbols of death and skulls are worn by people whose life is fraught with risk - these are various special forces and special services, as well as people leading quite risky lifestyles, for example, bikers and MMA and UFC fighters and of course rock musicians.

The Amulet of the Sun is a powerful talisman that was present in one form or another in every nation that lived on our planet. The meaning of these various amulets has always been one - this is protection, bringing happiness and light to life.

The Dreamcatcher Amulet is a legendary amulet - a trap for protecting a sleeping person from evil spirits, bad dreams, nightmares and negative thoughts.

It must be remembered that the amulets undoubtedly contain strength; you should not take them as a magic wand. Amulets "work" only for people with good thoughts who believe in them.

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