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New! Water bottles with natural stones!

New! Water bottles with natural stones!


New! Water bottles with natural stones!

New! Water bottles with natural stones!

The tradition of improving water properties with stones goes back thousands of years. We have found a modern way of preparing "living water", hygienic and natural. Everything in nature has its own vibrations, precious and semi-precious stones naturally serve as a source of subtle vibrations that affect water. These vibrations revive the water, making it healthy and tasty. The stones do not need to be in direct contact with water. The bottles contain stones inside a glass vessel, retaining their unique effect on water. As in nature, stone regenerates natural water. A glass flask, in which stones are placed, protects the ingress of grains of sand and impurities from stones into the water.

Rose Quartz Crystal Water Bottle will solve the following problems:
  • frequent stress,
  • fast fatigue and chronic fatigue,
  • anxiety for no apparent reason, suspiciousness,
  • emotional instability or burnout
  • difficulties in communicating with others, inability to establish social contact,
  • a tendency to accumulate negative emotions.

Citrine Crystal Water Bottle will solve the following problems:

  • helps with headaches;
  • improves concentration, improves memory;
  • affects the quality and quantity of sleep - a person falls asleep faster, wakes up vigorous, forgets about nightmares;
  • eliminates speech defects;
  • has a healing effect on internal organs - it fights kidney and liver diseases;
  • accelerates the healing process.

In modern living conditions, such a bottle will become an effective tool for harmonizing life!

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Currency rate:

€ 1.00 = 99.73 rub.
$ 1.00 = 93.44 rub.
El Corazon